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Community Groups Welcome Australia Post Grants

Australia Post announced its latest People of Post grant recipients, with 356 community organisations receiving funding thanks to a nomination from an Australia Post team member. The diverse community groups will share in almost $350,000 for projects such as community gardens, arts and crafts workshops, and volunteer training. The People of Post program takes a grassroots approach to supporting projects, with Australia Post team members encouraged to nominate based on their own personal connection to a local organisation. Recipients include…


Policy issues that matter in the next Parliament

As former PM Keating said, ‘when you change the government you change the country.’ Those changes will be both in the policy space and in the politics that surround it. This is our attempt to predict the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ in the next three years. Policy Many policy matters can be pursued by the executive government, but they will still be important to the Parliament. These are the likely top 10 policy issues for the 47th Parliament: 1.Cost of…