There is always more to the story in a crisis

At Daymark we keenly watch how companies navigate potentially reputationally damaging issues and crises as they play out in the media. One thing we rarely do however is to comment publicly on them. Here is why. There is always a lot going on behind the scenes in a crisis – we know this from our first-hand experience. And while the fundamentals of good crisis management don’t change around planning, practice and communication at a time of limited knowledge, there are…

2023 – Are you ready?

As the year draws to a close, it is timely to step back and assess how ready your organisation is to respond to an issue. As we have seen in recent times – particularly in the cyber-security space with vulnerabilities in infrastructure and technical failures leading to shutdowns, cyber-attacks and ransoms ­–organisations large and small need to be clear about how they will respond and communicate if an issue escalates into a crisis. It’s a big call but hear this.…