
Which Footy Code is Winning in the Reputation Stakes

Grand final week is upon us and while we at Daymark have been keeping an eye on our beloved teams, we have also been watching the reputation of the AFL and NRL codes. And it has been a season of ups and downs for both codes, but interestingly both codes’ reputation ends up at about where they started back in February 2017 (see graph). We ask a nationally representative sample of 1500 people across Australia each month to rate the…


No Comment…Never!

‘The company spokesman declined to comment.’ ‘The company did not make themselves available for interview.’ ‘The organisation did not respond before deadline.’ These statements and similar are counter-productive. In recent days, we have seen a ticketing company, a mining giant and a senior politician stick to this script. We have also witnessed the spokesman for an international bicycle scheme come onto the radio and spout platitudes, talk in circles and ignore facts. Companies and people that do this are stuck…