
Go Draw a Picture

In a data-led age, presenting easily digestible and interactive content is now more important than ever. A colleague once told me a story about how the statistics professor at his MBA school gave students a set of data and asked them to analyse it for an assignment. They tried everything but most could not find any correlations or insights from the data. A few plotted the data, and the data was an outline of an elephant. The lesson being, always…


Let’s Think More About Thought Leadership

A discipline in the communications game is what we call Thought Leadership. In the past two years it has been the number one consulting activity of Daymark (followed by stakeholder engagement, community engagement and communications programs for our clients). Roughly speaking Thought Leadership is generating content which brings a unique point of view to an important community or industry issue. It adds to a discussion or debate and in turn should be a reflection of what your organisation stands for.…


Which Footy Code is Winning in the Reputation Stakes

Grand final week is upon us and while we at Daymark have been keeping an eye on our beloved teams, we have also been watching the reputation of the AFL and NRL codes. And it has been a season of ups and downs for both codes, but interestingly both codes’ reputation ends up at about where they started back in February 2017 (see graph). We ask a nationally representative sample of 1500 people across Australia each month to rate the…