Are you cyber crisis ready?

The chances of an Australian company falling victim to a cyber attack have never been higher. In the 2022-23 financial year, the Australian Signals Directorate received one cybercrime report every six minutes, and artificial intelligence is already enabling criminals to target more victims, more quickly. The cost to the global economy is in the trillions, while for individual businesses the impact on operations, reputation, morale and share price can be catastrophic. It’s the risk everyone is talking about (when it happens…

The importance of values – and the damage when they are not upheld

For the last month, I have been seconded into one of Daymark’s not-for-profit clients for two days a week. Working inside this leading social change organisation with its strong workplace culture has provided a salient reminder of the benefits not just of clear organisational values, but of living them out each day. Over the years, Daymark has helped many clients define their vision, mission and values. Often included in organisational profiles – both written and online – these statements send…

The Art of a Good Media Release

A good media release can make or break the coverage received, so it’s worth putting in the effort if you have positive news to share. At Daymark we often write media releases on behalf of clients, or review and edit first drafts. These are a few things we bear in mind to ensure media success: The Title and First Paragraph are Crucial News desks have always received more media alerts than they can cover, but with the ease of digital…

ChatGPT – why humans still trump the bot (for now at least)

While artificial intelligence has been used in a range of ways for years, the arrival of ChatGPT late last year has put the power of AI in the hands of mere mortals. Judging by the takeup of the technology (ChatGPT had around 100 million users within two months of its launch) its potential has been enthusiastically recognised. It is, frankly, mindblowing what ChatGPT can spit out in less time than it takes to put the kettle on, and social media…


Cyberhacks in Australia – do you know the legal implications?

Companies across Australia have been scrambling in recent weeks to get on top of their cyber risk, after Optus, and then Medibank, fell victim to massive data breaches. If it can happen to two such large, well-resourced organisations, then the implication is pretty clear that it can happen to anyone. Naturally, it has been a theme at many AGMs held this month.If a business becomes aware it has been hacked, there is a lot to think about at a time…


Why the Media Release Still Matters

Sometimes I hate social media. A bottomless pit of information, innuendo and occasionally intrigue, it can suck hours from an otherwise productive life. From a public relations point of view, however, there is no doubt social media has transformed the way organisations communicate. So much so, in fact, that there are those who declare the media release is dead, consigned to the grave alongside aerograms and the fax machine. To be sure, Twitter is quicker, Instagram is more aesthetic, and…

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Community Groups Welcome Australia Post Grants

Australia Post announced its latest People of Post grant recipients, with 356 community organisations receiving funding thanks to a nomination from an Australia Post team member. The diverse community groups will share in almost $350,000 for projects such as community gardens, arts and crafts workshops, and volunteer training. The People of Post program takes a grassroots approach to supporting projects, with Australia Post team members encouraged to nominate based on their own personal connection to a local organisation. Recipients include…


Communicating with a remote workforce

Australians seem pretty much agreed that remote working for “office jobs” will continue even when the COVID-19 pandemic eases. Australians seem pretty much agreed that remote working for “office jobs” will continue even when the COVID-19 pandemic eases. Employees have discovered the joys of flexibility, have adopted a new work-life balance that is not as constrained by a rigid delineation between work hours and non-work hours, and look with new eyes at the time wasted through daily commuting. Equally, employers…


Australia Talks. But Should We Listen?

The anonymity of the Internet enables a range of ugly behaviour that was unthinkable in the pre-tech world. Cyber-bullying and trolling can be perpetrated by cowards who are ashamed or unwilling to put their name to their comments, but happy to drip-feed poison into cyberspace without consequence. But like so much of technology, there are positives as well as negatives associated with being able to communicate incognito. The anonymity and reach of the Internet presents opportunities in collecting data that…


It’s Not Enough To Be Good

Community organisations, just like for-profit entities, must actively protect their reputation. Not-for-profit organisations largely spend their time, and resources, “doing good”. It’s easy to think they have less of a need to invest in protecting their reputation when the public feeling toward them is generally favourable. Community organisations consistently rank higher [1] on reputation measures than Australian corporations, even compared with the strongest and most trusted corporate brands like Qantas. Not-for-profit organisations largely spend their time, and resources, “doing good”.…