The Art of a Good Media Release

A good media release can make or break the coverage received, so it’s worth putting in the effort if you have positive news to share. At Daymark we often write media releases on behalf of clients, or review and edit first drafts. These are a few things we bear in mind to ensure media success: The Title and First Paragraph are Crucial News desks have always received more media alerts than they can cover, but with the ease of digital…

An effective campaign starts by knowing it’s a step beyond

Over the years Daymark has been involved with several campaigns to deliver important changes by engaging with and convincing a majority audience of stakeholders. What we have always known is that campaigns only work where there is an appreciation that campaigns are a step above standard communications and stakeholder engagement. The mere thought of mounting a campaign should sharpen the mind as to the size of the task ahead. It should stretch ambition for engagement and transparency. It should lift…