Are you cyber crisis ready?

The chances of an Australian company falling victim to a cyber attack have never been higher. In the 2022-23 financial year, the Australian Signals Directorate received one cybercrime report every six minutes, and artificial intelligence is already enabling criminals to target more victims, more quickly. The cost to the global economy is in the trillions, while for individual businesses the impact on operations, reputation, morale and share price can be catastrophic. It’s the risk everyone is talking about (when it happens…

Deny everything: it may work but is it right?

At Daymark we pride ourselves on being across different approaches to managing reputational crises. One approach is gaining more prominence even though it comes with questionable outcomes. It’s an approach that can be best described as ‘deny, reject, refute’ everything, emphatically, even in the face of compelling and sometimes overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Without being specific, we have seen several examples here in Australia throughout 2023. In fact, this really is not a recent development – we have seen…

There is always more to the story in a crisis

At Daymark we keenly watch how companies navigate potentially reputationally damaging issues and crises as they play out in the media. One thing we rarely do however is to comment publicly on them. Here is why. There is always a lot going on behind the scenes in a crisis – we know this from our first-hand experience. And while the fundamentals of good crisis management don’t change around planning, practice and communication at a time of limited knowledge, there are…


Cyberhacks in Australia – do you know the legal implications?

Companies across Australia have been scrambling in recent weeks to get on top of their cyber risk, after Optus, and then Medibank, fell victim to massive data breaches. If it can happen to two such large, well-resourced organisations, then the implication is pretty clear that it can happen to anyone. Naturally, it has been a theme at many AGMs held this month.If a business becomes aware it has been hacked, there is a lot to think about at a time…