Deny everything: it may work but is it right?

At Daymark we pride ourselves on being across different approaches to managing reputational crises. One approach is gaining more prominence even though it comes with questionable outcomes. It’s an approach that can be best described as ‘deny, reject, refute’ everything, emphatically, even in the face of compelling and sometimes overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Without being specific, we have seen several examples here in Australia throughout 2023. In fact, this really is not a recent development – we have seen…

An effective campaign starts by knowing it’s a step beyond

Over the years Daymark has been involved with several campaigns to deliver important changes by engaging with and convincing a majority audience of stakeholders. What we have always known is that campaigns only work where there is an appreciation that campaigns are a step above standard communications and stakeholder engagement. The mere thought of mounting a campaign should sharpen the mind as to the size of the task ahead. It should stretch ambition for engagement and transparency. It should lift…

Standing for something

The voices are clamouring… ‘be our sponsor’, ‘lead our effort to support this cause, ‘use some of your huge profits to deal with this important issue’. If you are a Director, a CEO or a Corporate Affairs executive these are common refrains. But while we all naturally wish to support worthy causes and advance important social issues, how do you decide to back a particular issue? At Daymark we have dealt with these questions both as executives in large corporations…